Safety & Environment
We take a proactive approach to all matters relating to the safety of our staff, the public and the environment. Our management systems are accredited for safety and occupational health. We are committed to achieving zero harm in the workplace, continually improving our systems, training, equipment and work ethics.
With a significant number of vegetation management employees and full-time contractors, our Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate is very low, and is considered a benchmark in the industry. We are constantly striving to eliminate all injury and occupational illness from the workplace. We are at the forefront in providing the safest plant and equipment for our people to work with. We have dedicated resources for the continual development, monitoring and regular review of our management systems.
As a leader in the tree care management industry, we accept our responsibility as a good corporate citizen to minimize our impact on the environment. Currently, we are initiating an independent review of our carbon footprint and will soon be embarking on projects to substantially reduce it.
As a matter of policy, we are serious about good arboricultural practices, and we always prune for the best health of the tree, thus maximizing the life of the trees.