The Black Monkey Thorn (Acacia Burkei) is a deciduous tree with a flat or open crown. This tree is found in Zimbabwe to Kwa-Zulu Natal and nature in a variety of soils on rocky slopes and in river, thorn fields and woodland.
Black Monkey Thorn (Acacia Burkei) Leaves and Flowers
Bipinnate leaves with dense hair. The flowers are yellowish-white, sitting with a clear pinkish funnel.
Flowers are scented, yellowish white, sessile, with a distinct pinkish to pinkish red calyx. White flower spikes in small groups. They appear in late spring or summer (October to January) and the fruit is from December to May. Pods are in drooping clusters. The flat bean-like pods have a pointed tip and turn red-brown to dark brown as they ripen.
Black Monkey Thorn (Acacia Burkei) Bark
The bark is velvety reddish brown in young branches and flaking off at older branches and trunks. Thorns are in pairs below the buttons and mostly black.
The wood has a thin yellowish sapwood and dark brown, strong and heavy core wood.
Earlier years this was the appropriate timber for thongs banks. Termites do not attack the wood to, and therefore it is the most suitable timber for fence. This is the best shade trees in sands areas. The hard, heavy wood makes good firewood, with long-lasting coals.
It is popular with bonsai growers because it can easy be trained to the shape of the mature tree.
The root system can be quite aggressive and a Black Monkey Thorn should not be planted near buildings or pavements.