White Stinkwood (Celtis Africana) is a large indigenous tree of as high as 40m. Bark of young branches are hairy, but smooth and light gray.
The Paper-barked thorn (Acacia Sieberiana) is a semi-deciduous to deciduous tree up to 18m tall with a large and spread flat crown.
The Tree Wisteria is a deciduous tree with an 18m high growth, with a narrow crown and downward hanging branches.
The River Bushwillow is a deciduous to semi-deciduous tree up to 20m high growth with a dense rounded crown.
“En daar is Ghwarriebos en wildepruim, Noem Noem en granaat. Tussen Soetdoring En Karee, kry ‘n Koedoe bul sy maat….” Ghwarrieblare
The Large-fruited Bush willow is a deciduous tree up to 15m tall with a rounded crown.
The Knob Thorn is a deciduous tree which can grow up to 30m with a spreading or rounded crown.
The Karee is an evergreen tree with a loose rounded crown to 9m high.
The Fever Tree is a semi-deciduous to deciduous tree up to 30m tall, with an open, rounded to spreading crown.
The Outeniqua is an evergreen tree to 46m high, but much smaller which in a garden or on a farm planted.
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