June guide to gardening. Now is the appropriate time to plant ornamental shrubs such as roses.
Remember that roses are for virtually any purpose: fragrant tea roses to fill any flowerbed, and standard plants to plant along the garden path, rank- roses that can be guided over fences and providing clusters of flowers and the ivy type, against the wall of the house can be trained and can provide beautiful flowers.
Other particular nice flower scrubs that can be planted this month, is the Viburnum Opulus (roseum) and that old favorite, the Hortensia (Christmas Rose).
If you intend to make a formal fence garden, now is the time to plant shrubs for cultivation. However, keep in mind that it is very pruning and main- keeping. It must be cut often and with great care, which will cause thinning at the bottom and provide privacy and shade.
Also start pruning the shrubs that bloom during the summer. Cut out the old wood and leave as much of the strong new wood as possible.